7 Turkey Calling Tips That Will Make You A Better Hunter

Turkey Calling Tips

Turkeys are the easiest birds that you can call. People keep on saying that. Yet, you know they don’t respond to you much. Even when they respond, they do not come toward you. You have never had any success in turkey calling, and the truth is you have watched a group of gobblers runs the opposite direction after you yelped at them a few times.

The truth is you suck at calling these birds, you don’t know how to go about it, and you don’t know how to fix it.

But don’t worry; we have compiled some of the best turkey calling tips to help you solve this problem.

1. Yelp

When real hens yelp, they open and close their mouth with every note. I have begun by saying yelp because that “p” makes you open and close your mouth like a real turkey. You don’t really need to say any other word anymore, and thus one of my favorite turkey calling strategies for new hunters is to begging by saying that word – yelp.

You want to produce a high-pitched as well as clear note (yee) and a deep and croaky end sound (elp). With the majority of calls, you soggy down your upper part of your reed with your tongue and circulate air over the rear center to get the lofty note. On a batwing, you circulate the air on the rear right of the call – I really like this. Then you simply drop your chin for that croaky elp.

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2. Variation

I would be surprised if this didn’t sound like something you would expect to hear from a call-maker, but the variation is really a major part of turkey calling, especially if you have a limited area to hunt in. A turkey is a smart bird and it will get used to the sound you make or call. If you just have a single call and use it countless times, the turkeys will stop responding, and even run the opposite direction when they hear your call.

Via amazon.com

Variation is a simple as purchasing a few additional strikers for your arsenal call – various woods of strikers makes various tones. Be creative like me and carry more than one of every kind of call possible into the hunting woods. Although this might be cumbersome, it will lead to better results if you understand how to use these calls, all together.

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3. Understand Your Calling Level

This might be straightforward for some hunters, but difficult for others…well let’s say it, the hard-headed hunters. If you believe that you are a professional turkey caller, then you might want to re-assess and think twice! For example, ask yourself the following questions:

  • How many turkeys have I killed?
  • How many turkeys have I busted?
  • How well do I sound?

For some hunters, it might be difficult to admit, but knowing whether you are at the advanced, intermediate, or beginner calling level will aid you by the time you finish reading this article. From choosing the perfect call to using the more technical mouth calls in the ideal scenarios, and in the perfect tone, especially information will be more useful to you depending on how little or how much you know. Check out this video:

4. Don’t Overcall

Sometimes turkey hunters get the wrong feeling about using these calls. You don’t need to call every 60 seconds. This comes from a lack of tolerance and from watching hunting shows where it seems that is what they do, but you need to realize that they often edit out some parts – boring parts.

I have a simple rule of calling turkey: at most once in every fifteen minutes if I am not getting a response. I have never had a hen stand in the forest and yelp constantly, so why would that be your case?

5. No Need to Yell

Sometimes you might need to use these calls as loud as you can. For instance, if it is a windy day, rainy day or you are trying to locate turkeys, it would be a good time to try to get the highest volume from your turkey adventure.

turkey hunting in the rain

However, when you are vigorously calling turkeys and getting answers, soften up. Remember, the majority of your calls are like hens that are supposed to be attracting gobblers to come toward them. Soft purrs, clucks, and yelps tend to get the trick done a lot better than yelling loudly.

One of the most popular calls is the Purr Pot call. It is just like an ordinary slate pot call but with smaller and softer sound. I once tried this call in the wood and I must confess that it did a great job of getting gobblers to come the last fifteen yards to get the perfect shot.

6. Sleep In

Now, this is my favorite trick! A gobbler’s normal day begins at dawn by trailing a hen or some hens and maybe getting the chance to breed. By 10 – 11 am, the hen slips away to its best and the gobbler is left alone. This is why I often sleep in and head to the woods during the morning hours – this is a good strategy.

The above turkey calling tips will help you to attract turkey as fast as possible, but you also need to get some tips on how to choose the right call.

7. Choose the Right Call

There are different kinds of turkey calls on the globe today. Locater, tube, diaphragm, and friction calls all have their place among hunters. Here is a simple overview of the style, how, why, and when to use every call.

RELATED: What are the Best Turkey Calls for Beginners?

1. Box Calls

hook up

Via amazon.com

This friction call device uses a wooden paddle to generate sound. It is the easiest turkey call you will ever master. It is perfect for both yelps and clucks, arguably the most important calls a turkey hunter should know.

2. Slate Calls

friction call device
Via amazon.com

This is a friction call gadget that uses 2 pieces to produce sound. It is made of glass, slate, aluminum, or other materials. It is a portable device.

3. Push Button Calls

push button call
Via amazon.com

This is also a friction call gadget that features a box-like chamber and a striker that is pushed with a thumb or finger. It is very effective especially for one-hand operation, reducing your movements and enabling you to hold your bow or gun.

4. Diaphragm Calls or Mouth Calls

 Diaphragm Calls or Mouth Calls

Via amazon.com

Diaphragm calls are often the most widely bought call on the market. They are compact, easy to carry, and very affordable, making them easy and effective to get used to. While the ease of these calls is popular, learning how to use them takes a lot of practice.

5. Locator Calls

locator call<img alt=”” src=”https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/61emH7FWd8L._SX425_.jpg” style=”width: 425px” width=”425″ height=”425″>

Via amazon.com

These calls are used by most turkey hunters, in spite of which call they like to use. They are not for simulating turkeys, but they are sounds and calls that will locate them. Sounding off like a hawk, owl, crow, and pileated woodpecker results in a turkey gobbling. This is beneficial when it come to locating a gobbler on its roost, or locating which part of timber holler, or area a gobbler will be in to make your move.

6. Tube Calls

tube calls

Via amazon.com

These calls are used by professional hunters in many situations and they make virtually all sounds a turkey would make, such as a pretty darn great gobbler, giving them a wide area in the call selection guide. These calls are produced by putting your lower lip on the base of the call on the reed and compressing your upper lip on the tip of the call. Once you master these calls, they have a high possibility of becoming one of the best in your arsenal of turkey tricks.


It is amazing that birds with brains the size of green peas can frustrate so many people, but they do it to survive. I hope you enjoyed reading the article and that it will be helpful to your next hunting adventure. These turkey calling tips will not only improve your hunting skills but also make it easier for you to hunt turkeys.

If you liked the article, kindly leave your comment on the comment section below. I will highly appreciate knowing that I have helped you advance your skills. These tips have also helped me to become more effective when hunting turkeys.

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